Good Afternoon
Item #: 45-141003
The Pocket Console LED dmXact
The Pocket Console® with dmXact™ LED Readout – Works BEST on the latest high rate LED fixtures.
Allows realtime output in DMX 0-255, DMX% 0-100 and binHex 00-FF readout of faders. EXCELLENT test tool giving precise output data.

The Pocket Console® is the inexpensive source for the smallest, most graphic “hands-on” and “user-friendly” DMX-512 theatrical lighting console made.
  • It is small, lightweight, portable and designed to be hand held
  • Levels are set using eight faders (slider pots)
  • Each FADER has an associated bump button
  • 512 dimmer addresses are patchable to any of the eight faders
  • The faders are patchable using from 0 to 512 dimmer addresses per fader
  • The unit is powered by a 9v battery OR by a 120v AC power supply
(Setwear Pouch shown sold separately)
List Price: $0.00